Using Neural Networks to Maximize Food Pantries' Community Impact

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Food insecurity is a critical issue that affects millions of people, and food pantries play a crucial role in providing much-needed support to families and individuals who are struggling to make ends meet. However, food pantries often face logistical challenges that can limit their impact and result in wasted resources.

One such food pantry, based in Indiana, approached Data317 to help optimize its community impact and select its next location.

Using a special type of neural network, the Data317 team created neighborhood clusters using a range of demographic variables, including SNAP benefit usage, Medicare/Medicaid eligibility, access to transportation, and other demographic variables.

With a clear view of each community's need profile (the different colors below), the food pantry can stretch resources further, provide support to more Hoosiers, and provide communities with the variety of foods they love.

At Data317, we are so grateful to work with organizations that greatly impact our community. Thank you for letting us be a part of your mission!

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